

Have a question regarding APMM? Check out our FAQ for answers to common question others have had.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a member of APMM?

Membership is easy! Simply click link below to fill out an online application and then send your annual dues (pro-rated based upon the calendar year) to APMM, 414 North 2nd Street, Harrisburg PA 17101.

How do I participate in the Professional Development Program?

For membership in the Professional Development Program, click link below to fill out an online application. There is a one-time fee of $30 to cover administrative costs associated with tracking credits and mailing transcripts.  

I've joined the Professional Development Project. Now what about that Capstone Project?

The Capstone Project provides the opportunity for a member, upon attaining 34.5 units of training credit, to present a project of independent study to an audience of his/her peers on some aspect of local government.  Please be assured that while presentation of the Capstone is recommended, it is an optional part of the Professional Development Program.

Is there a model employment agreement for managers?

Yes, ICMA provides a sample agreement that may be tailored to fit individual situations.

Where can I find a model charter for council-manager government?

ICMA has a lot of information on the council-manager form of government, including a model charter for communities interested in a professional manager.

Where will the Annual Conference be held next year?

The annual conference is held each May. The location moves across the state from the east to the central and on to the western regions.